Power the machine OFF from the main switch leaving the sub switch ON.
Turn main power switch ON while pressing the Utility/Counter key. Keep holding it till the comes up in Service mode.
04 - Counter / Data
03 - Parts Counter
01 - Special Parts
05 - Intermediate Transfer
Highlight "Transfer Belt Cleaning Unit"
Select the "Counter Clear" button to reset the count
Highlight "Developing Dust-proof filter/1"
Select the "Counter Clear" button to reset the count
Highlight "Developing Dust-proof filter/2"
Select the "Counter Clear" button to reset the count
Highlight "PH Dust-proof filter/2"
Select the "Counter Clear" button to reset the count
Highlight "Electric Comp. Cooling Filter"
Select the "Counter Clear" button to reset the count
Highlight "Suction Dust-proof Filter"
Select the "Counter Clear" button to reset the count
Select "Return Button"
Exit out of service